Upload Artwork (14pt Folded Business Cards)
BackArtwork Guidelines:
Use the following guide to assist you with the preparation and submission or your files. Artwork Guidelines
Production Templates:
Production Templates are located on our website at: Production Templates
Example Size:
Full Bleed Size (starting document size)
- 7.127" x 2.127"
Document Trim Size (final size after cutting)
- 7.00" x 2.00"
Document Safe Size (safe size to assure accurate cutting)
- 6.877" x 1.877"
- Finished artwork should use the full bleed dimensions for best results.
- Please make sure to keep all text within the safe margin.
- Resolution: 300 dpi.
- Saved in CMYK Solid Coated color format.
- For best results, deactivate any color profile.
- For Rich Black use CMYK color combination of: 60%c - 40%m - 40%y - 100%k.
- If you are submitting your own files for printing you will need to supply a spot uv mask file for each side indicating the area to receive spot uv with a CMYK color combination of: 0%c - 0%m - 0%y - 100%k.
Anything white will be matte finish. *Sample below.

Please upload jpg, jpeg, gif, png, eps, ai, pdf, psd, zip images only. File should not be larger than 50MB in size.